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There are over 28,000 students at the University of Kansas, and it requires a lot of resources and energy to ensure that the Gospel is available to them.

What if you could be a part of investing in the next lost student here at KU? What if you could help reach the next generation for the gospel? What if you partnered with Christian Challenge to add another staff member who could invest in the lives of the next student leaders, changing generations to come?

Our vision is to infuse the world with life by training students to become people of Grace who treasure Christ. Will you partner with us as we strive to make Jesus known here?



From textbooks to electronics, we all use Amazon! Would you consider using Amazon Smile and our charity link to help give to our cause? A small percentage of your purchase will be sent to KU Christian Challenge. (Link connected to the image above or click here.)

Note: The official charity name is Kansas Nebraska Convention. We share a Tax ID with them, but all funds will transfer directly to our Challenge ministry.

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